A little about me

I am a full professor at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen. I am also the chair of the department.
» My current research intersts are:
- Machine ethics (or artificial morality): how to implement ethical behaviour in computational agents? how to decide who should decide what is right/wrong for a machine?
- Logic reasoning in social networks: information distortions, social influence, information difussion.
- Collective reasoning and decision making: computational social choice, judgment aggregation flavour.
» Selected duties and priviledges:
- In the board of European Association for Artificial Intelligence
- Vice-chair of the Norwegian AI Association, a charter of eurai
- A member of the informal advisory group on Ethics, Legal, Social Issues (ELS) of CLAIRE. Click for visual!
» Talks avaliable online:
- Norms for people, norms for machines. A talk about aligning AI behavior with human norms and ethical regulations. Hosted by NORA
- What a dumb question - Is AI actually intelligent?. This is a panel with Dagmar Monett and Michael Schmuker. Organised by Machine Learning in Healthcare.
- Machine Ethics. NorwegianOpen AI lab seminar together with NORA.
- Conflicts in Machine Ethics Logic and Interactive Rationality Seminar of the Amsterdam Dynamics Group 2021
- Kunstig intelligens og maskinetikk Akademisk lunsj Bergen Library 06.11.2019 Available as podcast.
- Who's a good robot? CHRISTIE-KONFERANSEN: The robots are coming, are you? April 29, 2019. More? Video? (Jump to 5:36:00)