INFO381-2017: Graduate course on AI Ethics @ University of Bergen
INFO381-2017 was organised in eight, six hour long sessions. This is the standard organisation form for the Masters in Information Science courses. Each session was structured as a sequence of lectures, discussions and group work. The learning outcomes of the course and syllabus were adjusted in this regard to reflect the students' now existing knowledge in AI: Knowledge.
- Identify and describe the basic principles of moral philosophy, interpret, explain and extend the need for, and challenges of, automating moral reasoning.
- Experience the entire process of research in machine ethics from the inception of an idea, analysis of research work, refining a research question, planing and executing group work and reporting on the work in the form of a scientific report.
- Appraise the ethical aspects of AI problems.
- Discern different moral theories and values when considering ethical impact of AI applications.
- Reading and explaining scientific articles.
- Research project management.
- Scientific reporting.